AI Ladder Sales Tools
IBM sales tools help executives understand the need for both cloud and AI technology. Key outcomes include the AI Ladder website, Watson Assistant interactive displays, and cloud infrastructure sites.
Product Design, Visual Design, UX Design, Creative Direction
Interactive experiential sales tools
AI Ladder Website
One of the primary functions of IBM’s sales tools is to help business leaders understand how advanced technologies can drive transformation within their companies.
Designed in a simple, storybook format, this website guides users through the benefits of collecting and organizing internal data, enabling AI to analyze and generate meaningful insights.
The experience concludes with sales contacts and purchasing information, providing a clear path for next steps.
Interactive Displays
Journey Flow
Interactive displays showed how AI can assist humans in specific roles. One example demonstrated how AI supports call center agents, helping them navigate tricky questions and topic changes, known as digressions.
Watson is skilled at handling various questions simultaneously without losing the original thread or line of questioning.
In this example, a customer might originally need help with changing their password on an account, but quickly changes the topic. Not only can the AI handle the new idea, it will revisit the first question later.
AI helping to reduce call volume can end up saving companies millions of dollars a year, all from small interactions with automation.
By resolving common questions, HR can free up HR time.
AI helping to reduce call volume can end up saving companies millions of dollars a year, all from small interactions with automation.