Remote collaboration in hybrid work

Remote collaboration and hybrid work are here for the long haul. For Webex, that means creating solutions that make remote working more natural and seamless: technology that leads the way from behind the scenes. The blue and green rotating helix in the logo represents "the harmonious flow of ideas that happens when people come together as equals." An expression of energy and synergy through vibrant colors, gradient pairing, weight of illustration, and typography come together in the new era of Webex.

We partnered with Webex for over a year to revamp their brand, website, illustration style, animations, and even in product applications like a friendly AI chatbot that helps users accomplish tasks in meetings, like taking notes, or adding specific colleagues on the spot.




Visual Design + Motion


Website and Brand Design

Webex Assistant

We evolved Webex Assistant from an anthropomorphic robot character to an abstract state, which retains the characteristics of an helper and brings to life its capabilities. To maintain cohesiveness with the design system, the design utilizes the dot and ring from the Webex word-mark animation, while retaining a fun and friendly personality.

The ring symbolizes 360-degree communication and the connections that Webex enables. The dot manifests as an exponent to the ring, augmenting the potential and ease of collaboration. With a few simple modes, Webex Assistant expresses itself and solves problems.




IBM Health